Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Kitchen Sink: Week of September 4th - 7th

Social Studies:  There is no DOSS this week due to the short week.

Math:  This week we will continue our addition and subtraction unit titled Collections and Travel Stories.

The lessons will focus on the following concepts:
1. Recognizing and representing the groups of 10s in 3-digit numbers
2. Representing the structure of 3-digit numbers as being composed of 100s, 10s, and 1s
3. Estimating the sum of 2- and 3-digit numbers using knowledge of place value and known combinations

We will have a quiz on Wednesday. To prepare for this quiz students should review Unit 3, pages 7-16 in their Math Investigations Workbook.

Science:  This week we are beginning our unit of study on Stars and Gravity. Throughout this week, the students will be working to answer the essential question, "What can we learn by studying stars?" We will be working to help the students understand that the number of stars that can be seen through a telescope is dramatically greater than those seen by the unaided eye. The students should also know that stars can be different sizes, brightness, and color. All stars are so far away, with the exception of the Sun, that they look like points of light. Please check the planner for an upcoming quiz date.

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