Monday, February 25, 2013

The Kitchen Sink: Week of February 25th through March 1st

Social Studies
We are finishing our two-week lesson on the concept of choice as it relates to deciding on an item to buy.  We also explained opportunity costs and benefits, and the relationship between scarcity and choice.  Please help your child be successful on the quiz on March 1st by reviewing the blue DOSS sheet nightly. 

This week we continue our Finding Fair Shares unit. The lessons will focus on the following:
1.  The students will play a game called Capture Fractions with the fraction cards they made in class as a group.  In this game, the students compare two fractions and decide which one is a larger portion of the whole.  The player with the larger fraction will take both cards ( <  ). 
2.  Students will also sequence fractions from least to greatest by comparing them to landmarks (0, ½, 1, and 2) on a number line.
We will have a quiz on Thursday.  To prepare for this quiz, students should review pages 6-27 in their additional fraction packet located in the math folder.

We are continuing our exploration of plants and how they use sunlight to make their food.  The students will know how plants reproduce using seeds and cones.  Ask your child about visiting the garden and what we have planted!  We have observed a bean seed to identify the two large seed leaves where energy (food) is stored.  Please help your child review our plant facts using the study guide in their Science Journal.  

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