Monday, March 11, 2013

The Kitchen Sink: March 11th through March 15th

Social Studies
We are beginning our study of the regions of the United States.  We will begin with the Southeast.  There are 12 states in the SE region.  The students will be responsible for labeling the states accurately in a blank United States map.  We will discuss the land of the SE, the water surrounding the area, climate, products, natural resources, landmarks, and culture.  The quiz on the Southeast Region will be on Friday, March 22nd. 

This week we continue working with fractional pieces on a ruler.  The students should make connections between the measurements on a ruler & the corresponding fractional part.  We will use an online manipulative to practice measuring on a standard ruler.  To practice at home, a link is available on our blog.  While playing the Ruler Game, discuss the similarities between fractional parts and measuring with your child.
We will take a math fluency quiz on Friday, which will cover the multiples of 3 and 6. Students will have 3½ minutes to solve 40 multiplication facts.  Each fact will be worth ¼ of a point for a total of 10 points. We will take a quiz next Thursday on the concept of measuring.  Please begin to review the yellow measuring packet located in the yellow folder and the online game mentioned above.

We continue our study of seeds and how plants grow.  This week, our 3rd grade scientists will answer the essential questions, “How do bean seeds make a new bean plant?” and “How do bean seeds grow?” Please take a look at your child's Science Journal to see our classroom explorations.  Ask them what they noticed inside the bean seed when we opened and examined it with a hand lens.  We have been using the words sprout and germinate to describe what is happening to the bean seeds. 

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