Monday, January 28, 2013

The Kitchen Sink: January 28th through February 1st

Social Studies
 Our lesson focuses on how citizens participate in local government and what the local government does.  The quiz will be on Friday, February 1st.  Please help your child be successful be reviewing their blue DOSS sheet nightly.

This week we will continue our Finding Fair Shares unit. The lessons will focus on the following:
1.  Finding ways to make one whole with combinations of halves, thirds, and sixths using pattern blocks. 
2.  Find combinations of fractions that equal 1/2, 1/3, & 2/3. 
***Take advantage of any “real world” opportunities to use fractions. Discuss and share strategies for solving problems such as these:
a. If you cut a whole pizza into 8 equal slices and ate 4 of the slices, what fraction of the pizza did you eat?
b. If you want to share 10 cookies among four people, how can you share them equally?  How much does each person get?
c. The gas tank in our car holds 12 gallons, but right now it is only one fourth full.  How many gallons of gas do we need to buy to full up the tank?
We will have a quiz on Wednesday.  To prepare for this quiz students should review pages 1-17 in their Math Investigations Unit.

How do light and matter interact? That is the essential question we will be exploring as scientists this week.  In our studies, we will explore how light travels in a straight path, what happens when light strikes an object, and how a path of light can be reflected.  Additionally, we'll complete a lab where students are engaged in finding out how water refracts or bends light.   

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